
Driving Forces That Determine the Path of Your Life

People have a lot of internal and outside motivating reasons. We may utilize them either positively or adversely, but we have to be careful as utilizing them badly would pull us down. Many aspects of the road our life will follow, including how well (or poorly) we wind up, depend on how we use our driving forces. Some strong motivating factors below affect our daily life. While some of them we may utilize just unconsciously most of the time, most of these are very easy to spot in our daily life. In the comment box, indicate which motivating factors most speak to you!

1. Emotional and Physical Co Comfort

  • At first, forces of necessities starting in infancy drive us.

  • We must first satisfy our wants even before we have any means of communicating.

  • Every time they are uncomfortable, cold, wet, hungry, filthy, ill, in pain, or scared, infants scream.

  • Without understanding any human language, they will scream for aid.

  • Driven by internal impulses, grown adults answer the screams of these little creatures and look after their needs.

2. Embarrassment

  • Since humans are highly sociable animals, one of our motivating factors as we develop pertains to our fear of being thrown out, or shunned, in social settings.

  • We partake in the food, accommodation, and other advantages provided by the grownups and model our conduct after those in our house and little group to be accepted.

3. Fears

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  • Our fear of heights can keep us from grabbing a fantastic job that turns out to be in a building's top level.

  • Furthermore causing us to miss many fantastic possibilities is our fear of success.

  • While some people lose out on a better college choice, others select their institutions so that they are within a particular distance from home so that they may get back to family within a specified number of hours.

  • Strong forces are fears of punishment, whether from loss of esteem or peer pressure or jail.

  • We keep acting as anticipated even if we have already started to grow more self-aware of the viewpoints of people we come across in our greater society.

  • Some people are not motivated by a fear of punishment as they either do not have one or feel they won't be detected.

4. Requirement for Autonomy

  • Our urge of total reliance on other entities to provide our requirements changes with age.

  • We aim for more independence.

  • Naturally, it motivates us to want to drive a vehicle, land our first job, and travel farther from our house than we were allowed to when we were younger.

5. Cultural History

  • A lot about which motivating factors will most powerfully affect us as we grow and make more of our own decisions will depend on the section of society into which we are born and the strength of the family of origin.

  • We will thus give much thought to our choices even while we enjoy our freedom since we may recall being taught that every action is a significant gauge of our character.

  • Some people could not have as strong a conviction of worry for what we were taught in early life, therefore we won't give our actions much thought or consider how they could impact our life going forward.

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6. Money

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  • Money will only drive certain individuals as it covers the most fundamental of their needs: food, shelter, clothes, and simple transportation.

  • Money will push people to seek the most exotic cuisine, the biggest house, designer clothes, and the most opulent of vehicles.

7. Need for Love and Companionship

  • The urge of connection and affection is ingrained for most people.

  • Given the fundamental human need for socializing, it is far more universal than the motivating factors of money and celebrity.

8. Medical Condition

  • The quest of fitness and health is another motivating factor that differs depending on personal preference.

  • Some folks really appreciate these really highly.

  • They spend a lot of time studying the right techniques for looking after themselves.

  • To them, feeling good and looking nice are quite vital.

  • They see their physicians often, eat healthily, work out, and get enough sleep.

  • While some people aspire to be healthy, their standards of health behaviors may be less exact.

  • This concern drives them less powerfully than other factors.

9. Ambition

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  • Ambition drives us via education, honed talents, and finally—how we decide to live our life.

  • We will remain ambitious throughout our life if our incentives for acting on ambition have been essentially good.

  • Should it be negative, this motivating factor becomes demoralizing and will lead to less personal growth in life.

10. Play and Entertainment

  • Some others want their work to be enjoyable, not the promise of entertainment.

  • Though this concentration may lead them to a new kind of business, it does not always imply they won't be successful.

  • They can wind up working in a field like music that provides the enjoyment others want.