
3 Ways to Develop an ‘Ever-Young’ Mind by Asking Ourselves Questions

Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895–1986) was an unrenowned thinker and mystic. One of the unsolved features of his thought and spiel was his insistence on rejecting the traditional role of a spiritual validity and refusing to provide answers to his listeners. Participants in his public talks and dialogues were often surprised when Krishnamurti would pose questions such as ‘What is the meaning of life?’ negate all imaginable answers, and leave the questions hanging and his regulars empty-handed. For Krishnamurti, this was his way of risorgimento the intelligence of his listeners, throwing them when on themselves.

Ordinarily, we ask questions to seek and obtain information. Krishnamurti, however, made use of questions to self-ruling his listeners’ minds from the undersong of conditioned knowledge. We know of other philosophical traditions that have challenged the conventional uses of questions. Virtually 2,400 years ago, Socrates walked virtually the Athenian agora, worrying many overconfident bypassers by questioning them in a way that made their convictions come untied like a house of cards. In the Japanese Rinzai school of Zen, masters introduce riddles (koans) to their students to lead them to a state of not-knowing and, in fortunate cases, spiritual enlightenment.

One of the unique aspects of Krishnamurti’s method is his weighing that questions, when used correctly, can engender cognitive renewal. In fact, in his dialogues with the respected physicist David Bohm, Krishnamurti went as far as suggesting that working with questions may result in a transmutation of the brain’s cells. This requirement may not be so outrageous if we consider the scientifically established reality of smart-ass plasticity. My own wonk study of Krishnamurti’s method has convinced me that this method can unshut for us a pathway to what I term the ‘ever-young mind.’

Nowadays, there is a growing interest in methods for preventing mental degeneration. Research has shown that mental stimulation, improved diet, physical exercise, emotional balance, and towers your social network, are among the factors that alimony your smart-ass young. But Krishnamurti approached the rencontre of the white-haired smart-ass from a variegated angle. In his view, while white-haired is an inevitable biological process, the only reason our mind gets old is the fact that it is rented collecting answers rather than asking questions. Having piled so much knowledge, experience, and memory, our mind has finally wilt completely trapped, telling the same old stories over and over again, rejecting any remoter information or insight. Sooner or later, it ceases to be in a unvarying state of renewed freshness and aliveness.

Through my research, I have managed to isolate three simple approaches from Krishnamurti’s method, which, when applied, wilt powerful techniques for fostering smart-ass anti-aging:

  1. Holding Questions. Start by formulating your question. It may be a big question ('What is true love?') or a personal one ('Should I stay in my relationship?’). Notice that your mind hurries to seek an wordplay to it. Instead, wait the mind’s reactive mechanism and listen fully and meditatively to the question, as if your mind were an veritably quiet pond, and into that water a question is put as a pebble. This breaks the sealed whirligig of your will-less thinking. Krishnamurti suggests moving closer to the question itself and probe into it, with unconfined hesitation and sensitivity. Finger how through your listening, you are moving into the heart of the question. Let the presence of the question unshut your mind to what you don’t once know. Trusting that the wordplay is in the question, you may plane wits an 'insight' or a sudden realization coming from your now-silent mind.   
  2. Living With Questions. Krishnamurti believed that a young mind asks questions not as a limited worriedness but as a resolute inner position. Make sure that you live with a unrepealable question that you don’t know the wordplay to but are eager to discover. You can decide at the whence of every week which question interests you, replace or rephrase your question whenever you finger it is time, or plane be with a question for several months. You will find out that Living with a question keeps your mind awake, alive, and dynamic.
  3. Negation. What really matters is not the wordplay to your question but the way you meet the rencontre posed by the question. Use the question to mirror your conditioned responses. When you ask yourself a question, many answers, quotes, experiences, and emotions come from the past. When they do, simply write lanugo all of these 'answers.’ This empties your mind of all its contents. When your mind is empty as a result of negation, it undergoes a renewal. It feels lighter, increasingly available, is worldly-wise to listen, and you can unquestionably be present in the here and now.

Shai Tubali (first name say SHY, last name rhymes with jubilee) is a happiness history expert. His numerous books have appeared internationally for the past two decades in 11 languages and have been published by major publishers. His most prominent writings have won awards in the United States and in Israel. Several have wilt bestsellers, inspiring many thousands on their inner journeys of mental, emotional, and spiritual transformation. A PhD researcher at the University of Leeds, UK, Tubali explores 35 meditation techniques from all over the world in his newest book, "Llewellyn’s Complete Typesetting of Meditation,” published in January 2023. With postgraduate expertise in science fiction mucosa and pop culture, Tubali shares worldwide principles that can help modern humans struggling with trauma, fear, uncertainty, depression, anxiety, and screen addiction. Discover modalities and research on finding wifely and clarity at

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